The Toledo Public Library has been awarded a grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation in the amount of $1,000 for Multicultural Materials for Kids. Through this funding, the library has purchased a variety of books, music CDs, flashcards and puppets. Pictured displaying some of the ...
Anna Boecker, County Executive Director for the Tama County Farm Service Agency (FSA), reminds foreign persons with an interest in agricultural lands in the United States that they are required to report their holdings and any transactions to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture."Any foreign ...
The beginning of new year is a great time to develop healthy, new habits for all your family members, and that's why your local Medicap Pharmacy is excited to introduce the Vitamin Club program exclusively for kids. The Kids Vitamin Club is a monthly program that allows children (ages 4-12) to ...
"We need to be as supportive as possible," Tama City Council member Crystal Kaufman said Monday night summing up the feelings of fellow members and herself. They were endorsing tax measures aimed at helping Iowa Premium Beef investors proceed with plans to open the closed Tama Pack operation ...
The next Tama County Economic Development Pitch and Build Competition will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 26, from 5:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. at the Reinig Center in Toledo. It features extraordinary Tama County entrepreneurs who will pitch their business idea to a group of business leaders and industry ...
The Tama Coounty Farm Service Agency in Toledo issued a list of dates for programs and deadlines. The Agency noted postcard reminders of dates would on longer be sent due to budget cuts.February 19- DCP/ACRE sign-up begins please call for an appointmentMarch 25- Hispanic and Women Farmer and ...
Grinnell Regional Medical Center now has the da Vinci Surgical System, one of the most advanced robotic technologies available. The system can be used for a range of minimally invasive procedures in gynecology, urology, thoracic, and general surgery."The da Vinci system provides surgeons with ...
Nathan Hosek of Scharnweber Water Conditioning, Toledo, earned honors in a recent state-wide construction industry competition held at the State Fairgrounds Des Moines.Hosek took second place in the Associated Builders and Contractors of Iowa championships in the electrical field, held Jan. ...
The Tama Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners will be holding a public meeting concerning amended soil loss rate on on Thursday, Feb. 14 at 8 a.m. at the District Office, located at 102 W Highway 30 in Toledo.The regular meeting of the commissioners will begin about 9 a.m. ...
Members of the Tama-Toledo Area Chamber of Commerce welcomed Mano's Restaurant, Pizzeria and Lounge owners Mano and Dimitris Hasapis to the business community on Tuesday, Jan. 22. On hand were (l-r) Mark Wesely, Pioneer Hi-Bred, Brian Sokol, Tama County Investment Services, Daneen Henle, ...