South Tama High students take on the “Real World”
Being backstage for a Broadway production, observing a morgue, riding with a police officer in a police car, and doing medical research with the FDA might seem unrelated, but they actually have something in common; these have all been experiences of STCHS students during various job shadows.
South Tama has offered job shadowing to students since 2014. Recently, it has been more encouraged for students to take the opportunity once each semester.
A job shadow allows students to learn about a particular occupation or career to see if it might be a suitable pathway for them. Job shadows are a one-time a semester, up to four hour work-based learning experience.
Students must be a sophomore and at least 16 years old to be eligible for a job shadow, and the student must provide their own transportation to and from the job. The student will also have to have good attendance and good grades.
Dan Lopez, guidance counselor, is the first contact for students to set up a job shadow.