Disability Rights Iowa under fire from union
By John Speer
Disability Rights Iowa, the federally-funded private attorneys group, is coming under fire from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees following an assault of staff an escape at the Boys State Training School in Eldora.
“We have been warning that the culture created by Disability Rights Iowa (DRI) at the State Training School at Eldora has become dangerous for staff. This week’s assault on staff by residents, who then escaped the facility, is indicative of the escalating violence that has become a dangerous trend. This is caused by emboldened residents being told by DRI that they don’t have to follow staff directives and that staff are not allowed to touch them,” AFSCME Council 61 President Danny Homan said in a statement.
“The witch hunts and constant lawsuits from the attorneys that make up DRI are making the State Training School at Eldora less safe for both residents and staff. When boys can escape after beating up employees, something is seriously wrong,” Hoffman said.
Disability Rights Iowa has sued the state over alleged mistreatment of boys at Eldora.
The Disability Rights Iowa investigation of the operation of the Iowa Juvenile Home / State Training School for Girls in Toledo was cited as a major factor in the closing of the facility in January, 2014.
Upon closing in Toledo, Disability Rights Iowa issued a press release “applauding” the decision made by the then Governor Terry Branstad and Human Services Director Charles Palmer.
Both reports of mistreatment of girls formerly placed at Toledo and questions about their care have surfaced. Since the closing the 27-acre campus here has sat idle.
The State of Iowa continues to provide some security, lights are on at night and snow was removed during the March 24 weekend storm including vehicle access to the maintenance building and a roadway through he campus.
A Cedar Rapids firm, Hobart Historic Restoration, has proposed a plan for use of the campus for senior and multi-family housing, private homes and a memory care center.