
Conference set May 17 for Health care advocacy and preparing for the future

MARSHALLTOWN – As a health care consumer and a Medicare recipient, you will want to learn as much as you can about the ever changing world of Medicare, Scams and Fraud, and how health care decisions are made by you and for you.

You want to have as much information as you can to make your health care decisions. You want to know how to communicate your values and wishes with your family and designated decision makers.

An all day conference, will be held on Thursday, May 17, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. It is sponsored by Iowa Valley Continuing Education and Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging (NEI3A).

Cost is $75 for participants requiring a certificate of completion with a course number or HEP 3001(1), and $55 for participants who do not wish to have a certificate of completion with a course number of HEP 3002.(1).

The course location is Iowa Valley Continuing Education (IVCE), 3702 S Center St., Room 808, Marshalltown.

Registrations are being taken now by calling IVCE at 641-752-4645 or online at:www.iowavalley.com. The registration deadline is May 10.

This first-of-its-kind conference on the topic of Health Care Advocacy and Preparing for the Future will bring together many professions who are on the frontline of health care advocacy and will include health care consumers, caregivers, health care professionals, human services professionals and service providers.


Topics covered will include Medicare: What’s in it for Me? by Becky Groff, Program Development Coordinator for SHIIP with the Iowa Insurance Division; Just say “NO” to Health Care Scams and Fraud by Sue Pleggenkuhle, Coordinator of Volunteers and Training for the Iowa SeniorMedicare Patrol(SMP); Can We at Least Agree that We Need a Mediator? By Terry Parsons who is a roster mediator for the Iowa First Judicial District and author of Practical Mediation and Practical Mediation: Aging Issues. The featured speaker is Jo Kline, Attorney and award-winning author of “The 60-Minute Guide to Health Literacy” and the 12-part Des Moines Register series, Health Literacy 101.”