Toledo Farmers Market

Darvin Graham/News Chronicle
Kristi Sienknecht and her daughter Devin Mattingly work the Sienknecht bakery table during the Toledo Farmer’s Market on June 11. Sienknecht has been a market mainstay since 1989, offering a weekly variety of traditional Czech pastries and breads. A steady crowd was on hand at the opening of the market in its second week of the 2021 season. The Farmer’s Market will host a special evening of food and music beginning at 5 p.m. on June 25. Iowa Premium will be at the market grilling burgers and Phil Shipley will be on the bandstand providing live music entertainment. The Toledo Farmer’s Market is open each Friday through the end of October from 5-7 p.m. on courthouse square in Toledo. Turn to page 10 for the weekly market report from Dawn Troutner.
Darvin Graham/News Chronicle