12th annual Chelsea Car Show
Pink Heals of Eastern Iowa
In attendance at the Chelsea Car Show was the Pink Heals of Eastern Iowa Chapter organization, founded in 2018. Dennis Bramow of Vinton reached out on Facebook to the national organization Pink Heals on behalf of his wife Diana Bramow who was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago. The Illinois Chapter, after visiting the Bramow’s in Vinton with their pink trucks, informed the couple that there wasn’t a Chapter in Iowa and asked if they would be interested in starting one. While they were warned it would take three years to obtain vehicles, Engine 91 fire truck was donated by the city of Marion Fire Department within 90 days of the Chapter’s founding and the Pink Heals Rhode Island Chapter donated the police car in 2019. The signature bubblegum pink paint was donated by Thompson Truck and Trailer of Cedar Rapids. The Bramows are hoping to add an ambulance to their vehicle roster this year.
Pink Heals is an organization that helps people who are battling illness. With over 60 chapters across the United States and Canada, 200 pink vehicles bear signatures in honor of those who are or have battled illness. Volunteers travel in pink gear and trucks, accompanied by local public safety services, to deliver donated gifts and services to those in need. To show love and support, those who are visited add their signatures to the trucks as a reminder and inspiration for others. The signature pink of their vehicles is used to represent love and care for all those dealing with illness, not just those with breast cancer. Pink Heals makes it their mission “to provide communities with a program that supports people in need on a personal level in partnership with public safety and local businesses.”
If you wish to learn more on how you can help or schedule a pink vehicle appearance, check them out on Facebook at PinkHealsEasternIA or email PinkHealsEasternIA@yahoo.com.