Supervisors to hold solar session

At the Tama County Supervisors meeting on March 20, the decision was made to set a public hearing to discuss a possible Solar Energy Ordinance on April 4 from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Toledo Reinig Center. The supervisors have been asking for and receiving opinions on the ordinance in the past couple of weeks with a stack of 30 to 40 responses accumulating.
The subject of livestreaming the supervisor’s meetings was moderately discussed; Rick Watts, the contracted IT specialist for Tama County, was consulted. He does not feel comfortable putting in a system that has to have government requirements associated with open meeting laws. A $10,000 unit was once considered as the attorney advised to get a more professional system.
The supervisors also acknowledged the resignation of Darren Thiessen from the county zoning board. This makes two open seats on the zoning board. The supervisors are currently considering opening it back up for applications.
The Tama County Engineer reported that PCI is still on schedule to start work on the Deer Creek bridge on Business 30 on April 3. A fiber optic line that is attached to the bridge must be relocated before work begins.
The Iowa DOT budget and County five-year construction plan were approved. K Avenue is currently being worked on, and the hauling contract rock will start this week.