
How to use Tama Co.’s Izaak Walton shooting range

The Izaak Walton Shooting Facility is a restricted use facility requiring training on proper use of the facility, signing a range use agreement, paying a $50 user fee and being issued a range use card and gate key.

This property is managed as a public shooting facility, providing an area for sighting in firearms, target practice, and shooting of clay pigeons. A small pond, associated grassland, and small timber for wildlife habitat are present on site.

The 17 acre facility, which was originally leased to the Conservation Board following closure of the local chapter of the Izaak Walton League in 1983, was acquired through warranty deed during 2014.

Any person wishing to use the facility must have received training regarding proper use of the facility (taught by Tama County Conservation Board staff), paid a user fee, and been issued a range use card and gate key prior to using the facility.

Test Instructions

You may use the study guide while taking the test.

Following the test, you will know immediately if you passed or not. If you did not pass the test, you make retake the test again

There are 22 questions on this test and 31 correct answers. There are a few questions with more than one correct answer. Passing score = 28 correct answers (90%)

Once you have passed the test, you must come to the Tama County Conservation Office to pay the user fee of $50 and you will receive your gate key and range ID card. You must pay by credit card, cash, or check. Please make checks out to “TCCB” (Tama County Conservation Board).

The Tama County Conservation Office is located in the Nature Center at 2283 Park Rd., Toledo, IA 52342. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday. If you have any questions, call us at 641-484-2231 or email us at tccb@tamacounty.org.

The study guide can be accessed here: https://www.tamacounty.iowa.gov/files/conservation/ikes_range_study_guide_19358.pdf

Take the Shooting Facility Test here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-C5n-aIksAi7PeHwh7u1dWRluuIAqgVtggm6Mqm3vgM2T2Q/viewform