The Map Quest
Tama County re-precincting board’s new supervisor district map
Monday morning began with maps. The three local citizens that make up the re-precincting board showed up at half past eight for a meeting to approve the final version of the new district maps. The appointed board members who have been working on these map issues for months are Joe Boll, Mike Wentzien and Richard Arp.
After having done their best cartography work, the board sent the map to the state for approval. This is when a bit of confusion took place. The state responded by saying they are the ones that make the maps.
This brings us to this Monday’s meeting. The state approved the map that the local re-precincting board made, with one little change. One small square that represents a little part of uninhabited Montour was to be changed from one precinct to another.
As for the 2025 Tama County Supervisor Districts, which will be changed to five districts from three, the terms were set. Lots were drawn for the terms of the new five supervisor precincts. Districts one, four, and five all have four-year terms. Districts two and three have two-year terms.
Monday’s meeting brought only one citizen to talk about the new precincts. After a little discussion, the board approved the new maps. Public hearings for final approval on the maps are set for Jan. 22, 23, and 24. Once the public hearings are done, this should be the end of Tama County’s re-precincting map quest.