Insurance and puppies
This week’s Tama City Council meeting
TAMA – Monday’s Tama City Council meeting started off with Matt Zmolek discussing the town’s insurance. The council approved adding items they maintained from the Tama Paper Mill purchase to their insurance. They also approved going with Provident Insurance Company.
The council approved handing out water meters for the summer with the stipulation being that they can be recalled if water needs to be conserved.
Next up, it was approved to lease to own an approximately $303,000 street sweeper. The FY25 budget public hearing was set for April 22 at 5:30 p.m.
The council approved the selling of multiple lots that they owned. Lot 11 in block 4 of Indian Hills was sold to Chad Brown. Lot 10 in block 3 of Indian Hills was sold to Joel Puentes. Lot 10 in block 11 of the Appleton addition was sold to Mike Haughey.
It was approved to rent section A of 1117 Siegel St. (The old Tama Paper Mill) for approximately $21,000 a year.
Pierce Lumber was approved to buy a table saw from the old paper mill for $200. It was also approved to advertise for sale a diesel fire pump that was left at the Tama Paper Mill.
The handguns that the Tama Police Department purchased a year and a half ago have had multiple problems. After multiple attempts to fix the issues, it was decided by the council to return the weapons and purchase glocks, seven for around $1,100 brand new.
The council approved Officer Logan Andrews to move forward with fundraising and getting money from grants for a K9 officer. The goal is to raise $50,000. The K9 will not be funded by the city at all.
The council also approved doing a brush clean-up on April 22.