
Presentations and road closures

This week’s Tama city council meeting

The Tama city council, members of the police department, and EMS administrator Jimmy Hicklin gathered around to watch a presentation by Aureon about the phones and internet. PHOTO BY MICHAEL AMAZING DAVIS

TAMA – Some police officers and Jimmy Hicklin, EMS Administrator, crowded behind the Tama Council to watch a small presentation about the phones and internet by two representatives of Aureon. After having a few questions answered, the council approved switching the phones and internet to Aureon.

This new phone service will come in under budget at approximately $15,000. This new system will use fiber cables and improve speed.

The Pump was approved to have West Third Street shut down on July 20 for the Railroad Fest celebration.

It was approved to go ahead and purchase a new police vehicle for approximately $55,000. The new police car may be the vehicle utilized for the Tama Police Department’s new official K9 officer, who will be starting later this year.

The EMS course tuition reimbursement contract for the police department was approved. Only one officer has passed his official training so far.

It was approved to start advertising for a new officer, as one of the current officers is suspected to be moving on to another department.

The rental contract for the Tama Civic Center’s Auditorium was updated, and rates were raised.

An update to the cleaning position contract was approved.

The hearing and letting for the Waste Water generator was set for July 30 at 2 p.m.

It was approved to get the windows of the council room and lounge of the civic center tinted; council member Larry Thomas voted no.