Tama resident seeks answers on vandalism of parents’ memorial at Cherry Lake

Cindy Steuhm of Tama is seeking answers on an incident of vandalism at the memorial dedicated to her parents, Doug and Lou Ray, near the trail around Cherry Lake. Steuhm shared the following statement with the News Chronicle.
“On Friday night, Oct. 11 our memorial for our parents at the trail entrance by the former Cherry Lake was messed up. We found a strap there where they moved rocks and the bench — possibly trying to remove them. They were on four wheelers and left two huge ruts in the process. Police were contacted, and I was told we have a huge drug problem. People walk on the trail after dark, and (they) said they don’t do logs with times for things like that? I would not want to rent the area near there when there is vandalizing going on. There needs to be more patrolling to prevent things like this. Anyone with info please contact Cindy at 641-484-2919 or contact the Tama Police Department.”