Elberon Legion Auxiliary discusses fall plans
ELBERON – The Elberon American Legion Auxiliary Unit 226 met Oct. 10. The meeting was called to order by President Lorraine Vileta. The colors were advanced by Marce Nekola and an opening prayer was given by Chaplain Nekola. The Vacant Chair poem was read, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion Auxiliary were recited.
Secretary Norma Riha called the Roll and read the minutes of the Sept. 12 meeting. Treasurer Pat Sauer gave the financial report. Both approved as read.
Membership was discussed. Chairman Pat said she had received several membership renewals for the new year.
The Unit will have a bake sale with the Oct. 18 Elberon Fire and Rescue Fish Fry. Members discussed the prices to be put on the items. Nekola will type up the new list of prices.
The Tama County Legion and Auxiliary meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Oct. 22 in Gladbrook. A memorial service will be held for the members of the Legion and Auxiliary lost this past year.
Pat won the door prize. Nekola was hostess.