
Culvert affairs

This Week’s Tama City Council meeting

With the sun starting its daily decline citizens gathered for the Tama City Council meeting. First up on the agenda was a culvert project. The council approved a payment of approximately $13,000 for the work done on the culvert. This price was reduced by $68,000 due to the culvert needing to be completely replaced instead of simply repaired. The council also approved the bonding updates to borrow $4.5 million for the replacement of the culvert.

Next up was a rather lengthy discussion on park mulch. Due to insurance, the city is taking out the sand from the parks and replacing it with more suitable rubber mulch. Pea gravel was discussed, but ultimately the rubber mulch was victorious.

In the end, the majority of the council approved getting the rubber mulch at a reduced price, councilman Larry Thomas voted no. The Harding Street sewer main was approved for repairs. The current situation with this main has been causing problems, and this repair should be a “forever fix.”

The changing of signers on certain accounts was approved as the new year has brought a new Mayor Pro Tem. The council approved extending the ATV contract.

The Public Works department reported on a recent water main break.

The Library reported that things are going well, and they are looking into some new systems to keep things efficient. The library will be doing a Forgiveness February, hitting reset on the approximately $12,000 of uncollected fines from the last 20 years. A mobile library has also been set up to bring books to home daycares, to bring books to kids.

The fire department reminded everyone of their upcoming dance. The department has responded to a couple of house fires recently. An update on the new fire truck is that it is starting to be assembled at the factory and might be done in early spring.

EMS reported that there were 1,314 ambulance runs in 2024, 460 of those were transfers, approximately 850 for everything else. The 911 calls are up over average.

The clerk reported working on the budget.

Police Chief Jason Bina reported that between Dec. 20 and Jan. 20, the department responded to 222 calls to service. Of these calls, three were thefts, three were scams, and 14 were suspicious persons or vehicles. It was also reported that the K-9 Officer Creed has been getting over an illness.