
The shopping list

This week’s Toledo City Council meeting

When the clock struck five with its balled fists on Monday, the Toledo City Council meeting was called to order. First up on the agenda was a raise to the salaries of the EMS workers. The council approved a raise that would cost the city approximately $8,000.

The council approved moving forward with the city’s current financial software which is moving towards a cloud based system. A possible system change may come at the end of the year if a better system is found.

The council approved additional services for the wastewater treatment disinfection improvement project. A resolution approving the project’s contract, performance, payment, maintenance bonds, and insurance was approved as well.

The public works department reported that a lot of work has been going on at the shop, getting ready for spring.

Police Chief Dan Quigley reported that between Jan. 13 and 26 the department responded to 106 calls to service and affected three arrests. Quigley and Trooper Bob Conrad with the Iowa State Patrol spoke at the Supporting Kids In Prevention event at the Wieting Theater after an informational film about sex trafficking in Iowa was shown.

A conditional offer was extended to an applicant for a position. The Chief was also approved to purchase equipment that is on sale at a large discount from Hy-Vee due to the restructuring of their retail security program for $1,260. Among the items to be purchased are weapon lights, holsters, tourniquets with holsters for every officer, and rifle-rated ballistic vests enough for each patrol vehicle.