

This week’s Tama City Council meeting

TAMA – This week’s Tama City Council meeting saw a couple of empty seats behind the big desk and Mayor Pro Tem Kristy Eisentrager running the show. The first item on the agenda was a water shut-off on 5th Street.

The owner stated at the meeting that after finding a water leak on his personal line he called the city to get the water shut off to his building. Due to errors in communications, the owner wasn’t informed that his water couldn’t be shut off for multiple reasons including freezing temperatures, and his shut-off valve not being exposed. The building then went unattended for multiple days afterward and suffered water damage. The council approved taking off the sewer portion of the owner’s water bill which came to approximately $324.

A resolution to fix a date for a public hearing on a proposal for a loan for the sewer plant project was approved. The council accepted the sewer screen project and approved the final payment of approximately $50,000.

An approximately $50,000 agreement with Snyder and Associates to move forward on the East 5th Street project was approved.

A new end loader was approved for purchase from Star Equipment, some money for the end loader will come out of the Public Works Director’s new truck budget.

Kelbie Struve was approved to be a volunteer for the Fire Department. The council approved the purchase of stop sticks for the Police Department as they were down two sets.

The council approved the clerk going forward with gWorks cloud software. The clerk was also approved to purchase two laptops.

During council updates, it was mentioned that the annual Fireman’s Dance is Saturday.