One is the loneliest agenda item
This week’s Toledo City Council meeting
This week’s Toledo City Council meeting was another blink-and-you-‘ll-miss-it affair. A lone item sat on the agenda and was approved rather easily. A public hearing for the City of Toledo FY26 proposed tax levy rate was set for March 24.
Toledo Police Chief Dan Quigley reported that between Feb. 10 and 23, the department responded to 69 calls to service and made two arrests. Officer Bunce has officially started full-time.
A scam prevention information event is scheduled for Feb. 27 at 10 a.m. at the Reinig Center. Kwik Star donated $200 for refreshments for the event. Former Toledo Officer Anthony Rodriguez will possibly come back to the department part-time.
The city clerk reported that they are working on the budget and utility accounts. They had a demo for a possible alternate financial system and will have a demo from another company soon.