
The eBay fire engine

This week’s Tama City Council meeting

This week’s Tama city council meeting was sparsely attended. In front of a crowd of two, the council started out approving a resolution to set the property rate public hearing for March 24 at 5:30.

Next up, the council approved the first pay request for the 5th Street project in the amount of $2,425. The council approved the ordering of a rebuilt motor for Fire Engine 223. The motor was found on eBay being sold by the same place that sells the filters for the fire engines. The motor cost $7,250.

The council also approved power washing the water tower. This hasn’t been done for a few years and is in the budget at $12,600.

The council accepted the retirement of Rod Anderson, whose last day was Feb. 28. The spec sheet for the remodeling of the council and lounge rooms of the Civic Center was approved by the majority of the council. $30,000 is in the budget for the remodeling, but the spec sheet proposes the projects to cost upwards of $60,000. The council also approved sending the project out to bid to see how much the possible project may cost.