
Discussion, and possibly more discussion

This week’s Tama County Board of Supervisors meeting

Monday’s annual meeting of the county departkent heads was more of a public display of colloquy as much was discussed, but little was acted upon.

The first item on the agenda and the only item approved was the courthouse lawn’s use by the Presbyterian Church for an Easter Egg Hunt on April 19.

County Engineer Ben Daleske gave his report, stating that contract rock hauling started last week and should be finished this week. Rock has been hauled to P Avenue and F Avenue. Once done with Garrison Quarry, they will move to applying rock west of Clutier. Last week, a culvert was replaced on R Avenue between 190th and 195th St.

Among the subjects discussed by the supervisors was the possible donation of a used Durango from the Sheriff’s Department to Tama EMS. The vehicle has approximately 120,000 miles on it and would be donated to become a fast-attack paramedic vehicle. This was tabled until the supervisors heard from County Attorney Brent Hereen confirming the legality of the donation.

The other item subjected to earnest discourse was the possible county-wide use of the Tyler Timeclock System for payroll. Some were for the software while others were stone cold against it, which left the board trying to find the best route through the dichotomy. At the end of the conversation, no action was taken as the supervisors wished to get more data on the software and possibly have a faction of employees test the system.

The supervisors also heard presentations from both Aflac and Liberty National Insurance.

Claims totaling $220,911.24 were approved.