
Local News

Delay the day again

Lightning struck for the second time at the April 24 Tama County Supervisors meeting. After considering a petition that was presented to the supervisors last week by local property owner Terry Kucera, the majority voted to once again delay the Solar Public Hearing. The first delay was due to ...

Wieting Theatre 2022 Year in Review

The grass is green, redbuds are blooming and yard work has begun! Spring is an exciting time to plan ahead, but those windy rainy days also give you the opportunity to reflect on the past. It is time to give the community a report from our April Annual Meeting. 2021 was all about recovery ...

4-H Bus Trip to Iowa State University

In today’s world, food safety is one of animal producers’ biggest responsibilities. With over 15,000 Iowa 4-H’ers enrolled in livestock projects, about 17 million pounds of meat is produced each year. 4-H members who exhibit swine, beef, sheep, dairy, poultry, rabbit and goat ...

Tama SWCD celebrates 82nd Annual Soil and Water Conservation Week!

The Tama Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is excited to celebrate the 82nd Annual Soil and Water Conservation Week April 30 through May 7, 2023! The 2023 Soil and Water Conservation Week theme is “One Water” to raise awareness of how important it is to protect our water ...

What a week at the Wieting

A staple of the Tama-Toledo community for years gone by and years to come is the Wieting Theatre. During the week of April 10, the theater had a little bit of something for everyone. On Wednesday, April 12, the Tama County Historical Society put on a presentation “Stories of Famous and ...

Toledo officer under investigation resigns effective immediately

TOLEDO — During Monday night’s regular biweekly meeting, the Toledo City Council accepted the resignation of Police Sgt. Kyle Howe effective immediately after an investigation into his handling of a traffic stop on March 30. Howe, who previously served with the State Center Police ...

RAGBRAI groovin’

The RAGBRAI community meeting went off without a hitch last Thursday, April 13, except for the occasional problem with the Zoom feed of the beverage man. The ‘70s will be the vibe of July as RAGBRAI celebrates its 50th year, with a stop in town. Volunteers, if not adorning the official ...

STC thespians host new theater camp

On Saturday, April 15, a dozen actors gathered on the stage of the little theater and put on 45 minutes of entertainment, free to the public, as part of a new fundraiser and recruiting initiative by STC’s Thespian Troupe #1038. Campers paid $40 and signed up for a week of theater ...

Tama Council talks crosswalks, ambulances

One of the main concerns at Monday night’s Tama City Council meeting was safety. The Tama-Toledo Visioning Group discussed with council members the possibility of putting in a crosswalk for the South Tama County High School. The proposed crosswalk would cross the four lane highway east to ...