

Brass Tacks from Rural Iowa: Fighting for the people and places we love

As 2024 wraps up, I’m reflecting on the past 12 months. What memories did our family make, how did things go on the farm, and how are things going in my community and across the state? One of my biggest memories is about Summit Carbon Solutions and its controversial CO2 pipeline. Two days ...

Open Letter to the Tama County Board of Supervisors

As a new Board that will be installed into office January 1, 2025, we would request the current Board to refrain from appointing new members to the zoning board of adjustment to replace Todd Sebesta and Kurt Kelley and any further appointments. Todd resigned in mid-November 2024. Kurt ...

District 53 Newsletter: Nov. 12, 2024

I would like to thank the voters of House District 53 for once again putting their faith in me as their Representative in the Iowa House. I am humbled and honored by your support. This will be my seventh term, and the second term in this new district that includes all of Poweshiek County and ...

Doland’s chickens finally coming home to roost

I read with interest the recent reporting on Mark Doland’s chickens finally coming home to roost. Doland’s rambling, dishonest response to the truth is, at best, laughable, and at worst, outright libelous. Having personally witnessed the unraveling of Mahaska County’s government under ...

In support of Mark Doland for Tama County Supervisor

I’ve read the claims from Bill Faircloth in his letter and article in the October 25 edition of the Tama-Toledo News Chronicle. I’ve also reviewed the Iowa Code regarding residency for electors (voters) and for elected officials. (Code sections 48A.5A, 39,27, 43.18, & 331.201). Just as ...

An introduction

Hello! I am writing to introduce myself. I am Mark Doland and I am running for Tama County Supervisor and I ask for your vote. After the ballot initiative passed in the last general election, it created five seats on the board of supervisors. The areas that I seek to represent are the new ...

A Q&A with Superintendent John Cain

What do you see as some of STC’s biggest accomplishments under your leadership? Cain’s Top Dozen We are transitioning our Board Policy to align with the Iowa Association of School Boards. This is tedious, time consuming work but important work. The District has received over ...

Brass Tacks from Rural Iowa: ‘Education Wars’ a must read for all Iowans

This is a wonderful time of year in Iowa. We’re gearing up for harvest here on the farm. The hottest days of summer are behind us. And our public schools are once again bustling with activity, opening their doors to all kids regardless of who they are or how much money they have in their ...

Illegal immigration poses threat to election integrity

I recently had the distinct honor of joining a naturalization ceremony at the iconic Field of Dreams, where 35 new Americans took their oath of citizenship after diligently putting in the work to legally become American citizens. I was humbled to hear their stories and see their excitement to ...