
Take A Mulligan: Step Over The Line!

There was this bully who always picked on this poor kid just about every single day. The kid would be threatened, pushed around and teased by the bully.

Finally the kid had had enough. When he saw the bully the next day, he drew a line in the dirt and challenged the bully to cross over that line. Immediately he crossed over the line and the boy then put his arm around the bully and said, “See, now we’re on the same side.”

Despite everything that’s going on in the country, state, county and our towns, let’s never forget that “we’re all on the same side.” And with that thought in mind her are some 2022 thoughts:

Get up every morning and say to yourself, “Today is going to be a great day.” Bet it will!

Winners are not people who never fail. They fail a lot but they never quit.

If you want different results, you will have to make different choices.

How about putting your “Positive Pants” on today?

And by the way, make today so awesome that yesterday will be jealous.

The three Cs: Choice, Chance and Change. Make the choice; Take the chance; See the change.

Remember to walk gently around the lives of others; Many wounds are invisible.

Wanna lift yourself up today? Go out and lift someone else up.

Every accomplishment begins with the decision to start.

Don’t let a stumble or a fall in the road of life be the end of your journey.

Now onto the real real important stuff. Shed-ooo’s Super Bowl Predictions.

Super Bowl LVI will be played on Sunday, February 13 with the Kansas City Chiefs taking on the Green Bay Packers. Patrick Mahomes facing off against Aaron Rodgers. The Midwest Super Bowl. Drum roll please.

Chiefs 38, Packer 33. Harrumph! Go Chiefs! Let me know what you think at jsheda@indytel.com or call me at 319-327-4640.

John Sheda is the pastor at Living Water Church in Independence. He is a native of Chelsea and a South Tama County alumni (Class of 1969).