In support of Mark Doland for Tama County Supervisor

State Rep. Dean Fisher (R-Montour).
I’ve read the claims from Bill Faircloth in his letter and article in the October 25 edition of the Tama-Toledo News Chronicle. I’ve also reviewed the Iowa Code regarding residency for electors (voters) and for elected officials. (Code sections 48A.5A, 39,27, 43.18, & 331.201). Just as the officials in Mahaska county determined six years ago, I am clear that Mark Doland was in full compliance with the state law when he shared a residence with his buddy, Patrick Scanlon. His voter registration was in Mahaska county at the time and that is sufficient to meet the requirements for residency as an elector and as an elected official.
The mere fact that “he was asked by the press to resign” is irrelevant, particularly when the “press” is a specious lone blogger funded by a millionaire with a political axe to grind. And the fact that he worked in another county at the time is also quite irrelevant. That happens all the time! Nor does the fact that he ultimately resigned from the position matter, he had his family to think about and he did what was best for them amongst the controversy.
There’s a reason why he wasn’t charged with a crime at the time as well. He was clearly 100% in compliance with the law, legally and morally.
Mark Doland is a good, honest, and thoughtful man. He will be an asset to Tama county as a supervisor. He’s being attacked now for much the same reason as he was attacked in Mahaska county, because he’s stood up against entrenched and bitter people that refuse to accept defeat at the hands of the voters.