

In support of Mark Doland for Tama County Supervisor

I’ve read the claims from Bill Faircloth in his letter and article in the October 25 edition of the Tama-Toledo News Chronicle. I’ve also reviewed the Iowa Code regarding residency for electors (voters) and for elected officials. (Code sections 48A.5A, 39,27, 43.18, & 331.201). Just as ...

An introduction

Hello! I am writing to introduce myself. I am Mark Doland and I am running for Tama County Supervisor and I ask for your vote. After the ballot initiative passed in the last general election, it created five seats on the board of supervisors. The areas that I seek to represent are the new ...

A Q&A with Superintendent John Cain

What do you see as some of STC’s biggest accomplishments under your leadership? Cain’s Top Dozen We are transitioning our Board Policy to align with the Iowa Association of School Boards. This is tedious, time consuming work but important work. The District has received over ...

Brass Tacks from Rural Iowa: ‘Education Wars’ a must read for all Iowans

This is a wonderful time of year in Iowa. We’re gearing up for harvest here on the farm. The hottest days of summer are behind us. And our public schools are once again bustling with activity, opening their doors to all kids regardless of who they are or how much money they have in their ...

Illegal immigration poses threat to election integrity

I recently had the distinct honor of joining a naturalization ceremony at the iconic Field of Dreams, where 35 new Americans took their oath of citizenship after diligently putting in the work to legally become American citizens. I was humbled to hear their stories and see their excitement to ...

A bright future for Iowa Valley students

As the new academic year kicks off, I am filled with optimism and excitement for what lies ahead at the Iowa Valley Community College District, which includes Marshalltown Community College (MCC) and Ellsworth Community College (ECC). Our unwavering commitment to student success remains our ...

To my fellow citizen of the STC School District

This is my sixth and final week for talking about our school system and what I've learned as a board member. This week is about our academics. This is the main reason I ran for this position of school board in the first place. For many years I have asked a lot of people in our school system ...

To my fellow citizens of the STC school district

This week is number 5 of a 6 week series I am writing to update our STC community about what I've learned so far as a school board member. This week is about Activities and Athletics. Let me start off by talking about the huge benefit students have when participating in extracurricular ...

To my fellow citizens of the STC school district

This is Week 4 of a 6-part series. I am writing about what I’ve learned so far as a STC school board member. This week I am talking about our district's budget and finance. I feel one of the biggest roles of the board is viewing and passing a certified budget. It is due to the state ...

To my fellow citizens of the STC school district

This is week #3 of a 6-week series. Our STC school district update this week is about day-to-day operations. There are a lot of moving parts to this week that all happen in unison. Here is a short list of this weeks topics. Transportation, lunch program, and personnel. Other key day-to-day ...