Greetings from under the Golden Dome, This is the time of year at the Capitol when the tea leaves become particularly hard to read. Everyone has their own thoughts on when we will finish our work down here and these thoughts change hourly. As of today we have only had organizational meetings ...
President Barack Obama recently proposed a new budget of $3.8 trillion, which includes tax increases as well as additional economic stimulus money. The Administration argues that the proposed budget will reduce the deficit by $4 trillion along with starting to put the nation on a path of fiscal ...
It happens every session the Legislature reaches a point where everyone is concerned about the budget. We can wrangle all we want over policy bills, but the main responsibility of the Legislature is to design and agree on a state budget. With the session winding down, we are left with ...
April is Community Banking Month, and the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) and Lincoln Savings Bank are encouraging consumers and small business owners to Go Local by banking locally with a community bank. Because community banks put local deposits back to work in the community, ...
Since the beginning of time man has been trying to find a way to please God through some act of self-denial, or good works that will get the attention of God. Most all the religions of the world (Christianity being one of the exceptions) focus upon the aspect of trying to do something so that ...
Not my will, but Thine be done.Spoke in agony, by our Lord.As images of a Roman cross,Could no longer be ignored.From a similar garden long agoHad fallen all mankind.Now separated from our loving GodHis plan was not to be denied.But Christ was sent to build a bridgeTo reinstate us allThe ...
Greetings from under the Golden Dome, Action here at the State House becomes strange this time of year. Erratic may be a better term. There are days when legislation is being bounced from chamber to chamber and little, if any, floor debate takes place. There are also days when we have numerous ...
Health care benefits are a hot topic. A major concern is benefits and costs for government workers. Many states 19 in FY2009 have zero funds set aside to fund retiree healthcare benefits. Another seven have only funded 25 percent of their liability, according to a report by the Pew Center ...
The Electoral College is one of the most misunderstood aspects of American government and historically it has come under fire for being "un-democratic." The Electoral College, which is defined in Article II, Section I of the Constitution, is a reflection of American constitutionalism. The most ...
Ever wonder how your regularly used cosmetics or cleaning supplies got passed to be used in human society? The most common answer given by over 75% of America: Animal Testing.Every year, millions of animals are poisoned, blinded, or killed in crude tests to evaluate toxicity levels of ...