House File 880 (Formerly HF 284) is a bill that seeks to prevent Iowa Libraries from being members of the Iowa Library Association and the American Library Association (ALA) by restricting funds to them if they are dues paying members of these organizations. Those dues are paid for by taxpayer ...
It is so sad that Rep. Al Green (D) from Texas, who was thrown out of Trump’s lie-filled news conference for speaking up when Republicans who did the same previously during Obama’s conference had gone completely without reprimand, and that Sen. Bernie Sanders (Democratic Socialist) from ...
It is so sad that Rep. Al Green (D) from Texas, who was thrown out of Trump's lie-filled news conference for speaking up when Republicans who did the same previously during Obama’s conference had gone completely without reprimand, and that Sen. Bernie Sanders (Democratic Socialist) from ...
=Former Board of Supervisor, Bill Faircloth, is complaining about a problem that will not exist once the new supervisors get the already approved, livestreaming system up and running, which should be soon. Presently, I can log on to the Tama Livestock Auction and watch my cattle being ...
What? Iowa, Miller Meeks was on house floor praising Trump for keeping us safe from illegals. Miller Meeks should tell that to Mollie Tibbetts family. Mollie got murdered by illegal who work for republican farmer when Trump was president. Miller Meeks when are you going to get your head out ...
When Joni Earnst had the press conference, where she was in tears that her divorce proceedings became public, was this to offset the scrutiny of said transcripts or did the pressure of the divorce and plight of the weaker sex in her ongoing valiant glass window battle finally have atoll on her, ...
Thank you New Crew. We are undergoing many changes in Tama County at a crucial time. Solar and wind are trying to take our land. Pipelines are a rumor in North Tama County. Finances are a disaster as we have discovered a huge shortage of money to operate on for 2025, immediately!
Be involved ...
President Trump says he make America great again. Does that mean Fareway grocery will open at 8am and close at 7pm when he was president the first time? Does that mean Mike Pizza will close it eat in policy like last time Trump was president? When Trump was president King Tower closed down ...
In the mid 1800's the US government persuaded the Meskwaki to sell their inhabited Iowa lands for 7-11 cents per acre. Capitalist land grabbers quickly leaped in, knowing the US government was actively seeking white immigrants from Scandinavia and British Isles with offers of rich farmland and ...
Tama citizens have been wondering what is happening as far as the Lincoln Bridge is concerned. People are probably aware of the new store built on the east side of town. The store has put in a drive leading to their business. The city will finish the drive taking it to Fifth Street. This will ...