More Toledo events needed
Dear Editor,
Spring is upon us and summer is just around the corner! I have always favored this time of year. My mind starts to wander, daydreaming of all the outdoor activities I will do (or at least attempt) this season. Fishing, biking, lounging in the park, or simply walking around town exchanging greetings with fellow community members. Being a younger, hard-working (at least I’d like to think so) actively contributing member of our community makes it difficult to find the free time necessary to enjoy such things.
I recently acquired a copy of the Toledo sesquicentennial book. WOW! What an interesting compilation of individual stories and community achievements. I read the entire volume, but particularly enjoyed the documentation of all the events and activities held in days gone by.
Where have all the good times gone? Tama hosts annual events: Lincoln Highway Days, the carnival, street dance and car cruise. These activities allow people the chance for fellowship and networking as well as reconnecting with past acquaintances. Indeed, many people, local and visitors, attend these entertaining events.
Toledo is also capable of organizing and hosting events and activities. Are we willing? Planning and execution for RAGBRAI was excellent. I believe most people enjoyed themselves. Were all these efforts economically driven? Where is our sense of community pride? Why don’t we want to provide local, accessible entertainment. We should do more than the fireworks for the 4th of July, winter parade and the firemen’s dance.
Many of my “older” friends are disappointed. They feel that the past is in the past. There are no longer activities at the community building, park, or courthouse square where young and old can mingle for fun. Without some effort to reach out and involve young and old, to entertain and intermingle, we may become a community of strangers. Sadly, singer/poet Billy Joel may be right, “Only the Good Die Young”.
Brian Swartz