Explains Work Study program
Dear Editor,
Withgraduations approaching and college in the future for some students, it is important to shed light on an area of college life that is often misunderstood. Upon hearing the words “Work Study,” many peopleautomatically assume it means that students are hired for a university job where they will get paid for doing their homework, and maybe a few small tasks. At least, that is what the name implies. In truth, Federal Work Study is a program that provides money for universities to use to pay some of their student employees.
If a student qualifies for the Work Study program, he or she will be paid the same as a student who does not qualify. The only difference is where the money is coming from. Students who do not qualify for the Work Study program are paid by the university they attend. Those who qualify are paid out of the grant given to their university by the Federal Work Study program.
So why should you care if you qualify for the Work Study Program? With the economic problems being faced right now, many universities are finding the need to reduce the amount of people they employ to save money. An employee who does not qualify for Work Study is more likely to be let go because the university has to pay this student his or her wages out of its own account. This just goes to show that even students are beginning to feel the pressure of the declining economy.
How do you qualify for Work Study? Universities use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), as well as other financial forms, to judge whether a student can qualify for Work Study or not. Financial need is a major factor for selection as well as the amount of money a student receives from grants and scholarships. From the data that is collected, universities then determine the amount of money the student will receive from the Federal Work Study Program grant. The more financial need, the more money he or she will qualify for. When they have used up the award they were granted, he or she will then be paid out of the university’s account, just like other non-Work Study employees.
Knowing the facts is important when applying for any job. The Work Study program was designed to help universities employ more students. That is why it is important for all incoming and returning college students to fill out their Free Application for Federal Student Aid correctly and thoroughly. Doing this does not guarantee qualification for the Work Study Program, but it is still important to try. I hope this helps to clear up any misconceptions about the Work Study program and its requirements.
Kaylena Jensen