
Opposing view to “New Yorker”

Letter to the Editor:

I see we have a fellow from New York that has decided to weigh in on Iowa’s immoral and illegal decline. He seems to want to talk theology when he obviously doesn’t have a relationship with God or His Son, – but that is beside the point I would like to make.

I would like to inform him of the way the constitution of Iowa works. You see, sir, in Iowa judges can’t make law, they can’t tell the legislators what laws to make and they can’t enforce their “opinions”. And that is all they handed down, an opinion. Opinions aren’t law and precedence is not law. So the law still stands that sodomites can’t get married. They can have their “sinful unions” but it will never be moral. Not only do judges not get to make law, but they really don’t get to decide what is sin. Sodomy is sin. And no matter if fifty states were to legalize it(which Iowa HAS NOT done), it would still be a sin. It will never ever not be a sin. An opinion doesn’t change the law and the fact that the politicians are acting so outrageously illegal has just completely discredited existing law.

Why is it so hard to enforce and obey laws? They’ll get an opinion and act like it is law, like in the case of sinful unions, yet they want more laws to keep guns out of the hands of innocent law abiding citizens, when what they are trying to stop is already illegal. Just enforce existing laws! Likewise they want laws to stop illegal immigration, but if it is illegal immigration, the term ‘illegal’ means it is already against the law and should be enforced as such. They are severely out of line by ‘enforcing’ an opinion and just as much out of line by not enforcing existing law- be it immigration, gun crimes, or marriage laws.

And by the way, if the supreme court lets us know next week that they feel and believe that ‘night’ should be called ‘day’ and that ‘day’ should be called ‘night’, it will make as much sense as their feelings and beliefs that sinful unions should be called marriage. Marriage by universal and eternal definition is one man and one woman. Iowa, Massachusetts, California or the entire U. S. of A. cannot redefine a Divine Institution. Homosexual Marriage is the best example of an oxymoron that I have ever seen. There is no such thing.

What if I stated an opinion that I thought highway 30 should be six lanes from Marshalltown to Cedar Rapids? Will the excavators start plowing a couple more lanes out? No, because my opinion means as much to them as the Iowa Supreme Courts OPINION means to the Iowa Code. Or a better example would be- my opinion is going to change their plans and design as much as the Supreme Court can change God’s Divine Design. But for some reason people who are in authority over us common folks are obeying it, and trying to force it on us. That reason is that they WANT to, they don’t have to. It is all in the “WANT TO”.

Oh yeah, one last thing, we have been brainwashed into believing that sodomy is something you are born with. Which is a farce because homosexuals can’t regenerate so it can’t be genetic, and I doubt sodomites want to be grouped with the mentally handicapped or other non-genetic birth defects. But somehow we are still convinced sodomy is a genetic predisposition, so I’ll ask you one question. How many murderers should we release from jail because they were born with a predisposition to kill? Maybe we should make meth and murder and rape and robbery legal, because that is what those individuals are naturally predisposed to do. It makes as much sense and is the exact same rationale Dr. Lewers used in his letter.

There is no need to debate the morality and theology of this issue yet. We can do that when it comes before us to get voted on, which is how the constitution works. Until then no need to debate about what God’s Law says because Iowa’s law still says it’s illegal too.

Adam Todd
