Pokemon is infested with occult origins and overtones
Letter to the Editor:
I read, in the local paper, the recent article in the paper about Pokemon Go. The author thought it seemed pretty harmless to him.
Call me a disruptive/contrarian but if everybody is doing something It’s certainly worth while to look into the herd mentality. I went on online and sure enough, Pokemon is infested with occult origins and overtones.
Its a ramped up version of Dungeons and Dragons, ,(by the way its distributor). We’re always complaining about smart phones and data mining, this is a marketers dream as it gives real time information about the interests/locations of children.
Let’s forget about marketers and look at the educational system. Its verboten to have any instruction about what is a normal sexual instructions in school. Especial concentration now from the “not in our town crowd” is with children at 14 years of age. (Gee I wonder what puberty has to do with brain washing. See the psychologist Erik Erickson, this is a family newspaper)
To even hint at normal sexual attitudes is now grounds for firing. They’ve tried to reach back by diminishing what the parents feel is a correct moral education, now big media and an blatant occult game, have joined in partnership, blending fact with fiction is in full tilt.
Vastly more suicides have occurred from the children’s character dying, than bullying, but wait lets not say anything and continue lock step into their hellish future they have planned for our children. I hasten to say I’m not very spiritual/religious, so I don’t have a dog in this fight except I do like to root for the underdog form time to time
John Anderson