
Letter to the Editor: ‘Can anyone make sense out of Berleen Wobeter’s position on industrial wind turbines?’

Can anyone make sense out of Berleen Wobeter’s position on industrial wind turbines? On May 2, 2022, she posted a picture of the iconic “no wind turbines” sign on Facebook with these words “Most of Tama Co. is aware of the wind farm issue. It is not so much about wind energy as it is property rights, quality of life and powerlessness in the face of powerful forces.”

In her response regarding wind turbines to the Tama-Toledo News Chronicle Oct. 18 Berleen stated, “If Salt Creek proceeds I would be bound by past board decisions and legal concerns…the board is responsible to the citizens to protect them but to also provide for the freedom for citizens to thrive.”


So let me get this straight. Berleen is against turbines. But actually, she is for them. Wait again…it’s up to the previous board. Nope…wait…it is up to the Supervisors to protect the farmer’s land but also allow others to put up wind turbines in your neighborhood, ven if you don’t want them.

I would expect nothing less from Berleen as she had an anti-wind turbine sign in her yard and then mowed a 30 acre wind turbine tribute to Joe Biden in her field. — Oct. 20 Chronicle.

Berleen’s dithering on this issue is concerning.

Mark Doland’s position is clear. He opposes adding new wind turbine projects in Tama County. Vote for Mark Doland for Supervisor for clear principled leadership.

In her comments, Berleen claims to desire to protect the citizens she serves, but spends much of her time at state AAUW meetings and lobbying with CCI social welfare organization Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement Fund (Oct. 18). She asks “Where is farming going” but appears to answer and direct the course herself.

With a little more reading or online research, Berleen would know that taxpayers subsidize wind and solar and carbon capturing pipelines. Most of the energy is sent to metropolitan areas and even though these new unsustainable inventions last less than 10 years, there are no burial grounds (decommissioning.) — Telegraph June 21

She would want to also protect the farmers who sign a 30-year contract (with China?) on the promise of ongoing decades of payments; contracts on their land that takes the control away from the farm owners.

Who pays the property taxes on the land taken out of production? Who is behind Summit; Renewables, Navigator, Vienna, Conifer, Salt Creek, Gold Finch Solar and the ongoing name game? Does money really grow on trees? Is there really a golden goose flying here from China or Biden D.C.?

Mark Doland will be approachable and reliable to take an educated informed stand. He will be available to our county voters with accountability. Vote Mark District 4.

Jody Kotouc
