Letter to the Editor: Hope to see Nativity scene return this year

Soon, I hope to see the Nativity displayed on the Toledo Fire Department lawn during the holy Christmas season. What an experience our little community had last year when opposition to the display threatened a tradition of many years. I am so thankful for the work of the Toledo Council and mayor, and for the coming together of Tama-Toledo citizens to stand up and speak our faith in the true meaning of Christmas-the birth of Jesus Christ and the hope for salvation that he brings to all of us. As a result of the opposition, Santa and his sleigh appeared on the FD lawn as well. As far as Santa joining the nativity, personally, I had reservations. I am not a big Santa fan, only because of what his persona has become over the years. He definitely has outshined the true meaning of Christmas. But, on the lawn of the Toledo FD it pleased me to see Santa in his sleigh dashing toward the Christ child. Because, this is truth! Santa originated as a real man, Saint Nicholas, born in approximately 280 AD. He was a Christian bishop with a love of the Lord, who gave gifts to the needy in honor of Jesus. The persona of St. Nick has changed. But, for believers, the persona of Christ is never changing. (Hebrews 13:8.) Let our faith be the same, worshiping the King in all that we say and do throughout the whole year!
Linda Rosenberger