Letter to the Editor: My church is sketchy over the voucher school

The church I attend, the Meskwaki Church on 5th school, is gearing up in big way to support Fisher’s voucher school. Recently there have been several state courts declaring similar endeavors illegal. At least one Iowa former judge regarding this republican octane driven sketchorama is unconstitutional. At a meeting I mentioned the cookie drive, especially since in the church in question has a banner of a eagle clutching a constitution, to be illegal and given the banner is not only unconstitutional but illegal for the tax-exempt status of our church. I was shouted down as a trouble maker.
Additionally, I would like the Meskwaki Settlement to formerly revoke my church’s ability to use the word Meskwaki. I am seething Fisher changed the format at the debate with Hexter. Now the mealy mouth republicans are laughing up there sleeves by pulling a fast one on the nation as a hole. This church pontificates against child trafficking yet Trump just included in his cabinet a person that was two days away from getting a condemnation from the ethics committee involved in just such an enterprise.
The money changers are alive and well in Tama.
John Anderson