Letter to the Editor: Announcing my candidacy

When Joni Earnst had the press conference, where she was in tears that her divorce proceedings became public, was this to offset the scrutiny of said transcripts or did the pressure of the divorce and plight of the weaker sex in her ongoing valiant glass window battle finally have atoll on her, The point is that I’ve asked Justin, her congressional aid in Cedar Rapids to investigate subliminal messages in textbooks, and it appears he is dragging his feet.
I admit I’m a iconoclastic, and running on police corruption in Tama got my dogs killed, especially when you see my dog Coco was poisoned on the exact same day, that the mayoral race was held. I didn’t know the Republican party rose like that. Being the masochist I am, I photo-copied my signature petitions at the Marshalltown workforce, so expect me to be dropping by your door soon.
John Anderson