Letter to the Editor:I see we have a fellow from New York that has decided to weigh in on Iowa's immoral and illegal decline. He seems to want to talk theology when he obviously doesn't have a relationship with God or His Son, - but that is beside the point I would like to make.I would like to ...
This past winter, reader Bob W., Toledo, asked about Tama County street marker signs -those that designate roadways such as '280th Street' or 'H Avenue' out in the rural areas. Bob had seen a Waterloo Courier article which said it wasn't cheap for counties to switch from the conventional ...
Letter to the Editor:May is Older American's Month, a great time to bring attention to the issues that affect older Iowans and create community-wide opportunities to help them improve their quality of life. This year's theme is "Living Today For a Better Tomorrow." The Culver/Judge ...
Dear Editor:Before Rush Limbaugh was on the radio in Iowa. Iowa was known as a republican state. When Rush came on in the year 1988, the democrat won 5 of 6 presidential elections since then in Iowa. Republicans tell Rush to keep up the good work of turning Iowa into a democrat state.Mr. D. A. ...
Dear Editor,There is a vast difference between tolerance and acceptance. Each of us lives, works, and conducts his business among people who are often very different than ourselves. There is difference in cultures, values, and beliefs. We certainly should treat one another with a certain ...
Dear Editor,Currently undergoing bank regulatory stages is a transaction that concerns the whole community. This is the purchase of the Pinnacle Bank. The buyer would be the Meskwaki tribe. As a member of this tribe I am happy to see efforts to diversify the tribe's holdings. However, I feel ...
Letter to the Editor:In his guest editorial of April 16, Rep. Lance Horbach made plain his dissatisfaction with the current Iowa Code and seemed to advocate a government based not on Constitutional law, but on the tenets expressed literally in the Bible. What a refreshing vision!Bible Law may ...
Dear Editor,Withgraduations approaching and college in the future for some students, it is important to shed light on an area of college life that is often misunderstood. Upon hearing the words "Work Study," many peopleautomatically assume it means that students are hired for a university job ...
Dear Editor, Spring is upon us and summer is just around the corner! I have always favored this time of year. My mind starts to wander, daydreaming of all the outdoor activities I will do (or at least attempt) this season. Fishing, biking, lounging in the park, or simply walking around town ...
To the Editor,"Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone." These are the words to a song that I learned long ago in Sunday School as a child.Daniel was a young Jewish boy who was carried away into captivity when King Nebuchadnezzar over ran his country. Trained to live in the palace, he was ...