I worked with Mark Doland in Marshall County. I dispatched him on many calls for service. In the time I have known Mark, I can tell you he is a person for the people. He has genuine care and concern for the communities he is a part of. Mark is a person that looks for a solution to the problem ...
I encourage you to vote for Mark Doland for Supervisor in Tama County. I have been very close friends with Mark and his family since 2008. Mark Doland was a champion for private property rights here in Mahaska County, while he was a County Supervisor, fighting tirelessly against the big ...
For nearly three years a large group of Iowans have followed Tama County's struggle against China takeover. TCATT, Tama County Against Technology Takeover, was formed and has continued to follow city, county, state and midwest activities through news, weekly meetings, personal contacts and all ...
My name is Gwendy (Thede) Doland. I am married to Mark Doland and would like to provide some insight into the more private side of this candidate for County Supervisor. Mark is a loving husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, and friend. He is passionate about his faith in God, his family, ...
I read with interest the coverage of the recent debate in Tama between the candidates for Iowa House District 53. There were competing descriptions of the present state of affairs in Iowa and alternate visions of the future presented. Mr. Hexter and Mr. Fisher give voters a clear choice in this ...
A letter to the editor last week from Traer citizen Carolyn Adolphs mentioned an important comment I made during my debate with Rep. Dean Fisher as we are both seeking election to be the Representative for House District 53 on November 5th. During the debate on September 30th, I challenged Mr. ...
I like to remind Republicans like Dean Fisher abortion became legal in the year 1973 when Republican Nixon was president. It was a Republican supreme court that made abortion legal. Most of the judges on that court were appointed by Republican Nixon and Eisenhower when they were president. Who ...
After reading about the AAUW forum between Dean Fisher and Tommy Hexter, may I offer Mr. Hexter a few real life lessons. While maybe not the most important topics covered on Monday night, they offer a glimpse into the realities of the positions he takes.
I challenge Mr. Hexter's thoughts that ...
Harvest has started across Iowa and throughout the Midwest. It is arguably the most important time of year for our farmers, bringing in the crop after a year of hard work facing challenges from mother nature and lower markets. As you travel to work, school, or play, know that safety is ...
If you want to live in a state with the acrid stench of manure from brutal animal confinement factories wafting across fields into your homes and your children's lungs, then come to Iowa. If you want to fish in polluted waterways and encourage your children and dog to swim there, too, come to ...