
Letters to the Editor

Disappointed in Tama city council

I was reading the minutes of the Tama City Council meeting and was shocked to see that the council approved a generator for the sewer treatment plant for $169,727 to Van Maanen Electric Inc. I was asked approximately 12-14 months ago to help size a generator for the treatment plant. With help ...

Letter to the Editor: Unholy alliance

Looking back over time, it becomes apparent that two man-made and inherently perverse Euro-American systems have long worked together to dominate and maintain control over populations. The first, Christianity, a spiritual belief system originally designed by males to keep power at the top one ...

Letter to the Editor: Jesus and Trump

Eighty percent of Americans see our country as polarized. They see polarization as a blockade to governing because the two polarized political parties can’t work together to legislate. However, fifty percent of Iowans enjoy polarization. This is obvious because they support a candidate who ...

Letter to the Editor: USPS is committed to serving Tama

As the Postmaster of Tama, I am writing to express the unwavering commitment of our postal staff to serving our wonderful community. With the 4th of July approaching, a time when we celebrate our nation's independence and the freedoms we cherish, it is also a fitting moment to reflect on the ...

Letter to the Editor: These times

Insecurity breeds fear and these days far more people are fearful of many things.... the great divide in the economy, obvious signs of climate change and pollutants in our environment, loss of habitats (both wildlife and human) … these along with growing populations world-wide creating more ...

Letter to the Editor: To the Citizens of Tama County, both north and south

Over 2 years ago I became a part of a large organization formed in northern Tama Co. to stave off development and sales, loss of our precious farmland, to huge China Tech Companies. Tama County Against Turbines formed to protect all of our county, as contracts were/are being signed. Many ...

Letter to the Editor: Moral reckonings

Even in spite of the current decadent and oppressive moral atmosphere dominating Iowa politics today, there are still refreshing breaths of fresh air. Unitarian-Universalist churches and fellowships (often called “UU’s”) have had a long and positive historic presence throughout America, ...


Bill Faircloth opposes going to a five-member Board of Supervisors. He opposes it to the extent that he helped lead efforts to pass a resolution that would attempt to overturn the results of the 2022 ballot measure that transitions Tama County from 3 to 5 Supervisors. That would have been ...

Letter to the Editor: Supporting Luke Dvorak for sheriff

I am a retired Tama County Detective and I am writing to show my support for Luke Dvorak for Tama County Sheriff. I worked at the Sheriff's office for 19 years, as a patrol Deputy, Narcotics Agent, and a Detective. I watched Luke grow as a Deputy and Investigator from his first day on the ...

Letter to the Editor: Vote for Mark Doland, Supervisor, District 4

We support Mark Doland as candidate for District 4 Supervisor, and urge you to vote DOLAND in the upcoming June 4th Primary. For anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear, it is abundantly clear that our County is desperate for leadership in our Board of Supervisors, and Mark Doland is exactly ...