Letter to the Editor: Cashfor Clunkers... There you have it folks, another ill-concieved, poorly planned, liberal government, give away program that was underfunded and rife with abuse from the git-go. Already they are scrambling to dig up another 2 billion tax payer dollars to fix it. ...
Letter to the Editor: I like to thank publicly Rush Limbaugh for turning Iowa into a democrat state. Before Rush was on democrats like FDR couldn't win in Iowa. Since Rush has been on in Iowa the democrat running for president has won 5 of 6 presidential elections in Iowa. Dukakis, Clinton ...
Letter to the Editor: We were at a funeral burial today, July 24, 2009 at the Oak Hill Cemetery in Tama. The cemetery was very disgraceful. Parts of the lawn had been mowed, and looked like it needed to be bailed. Grass was blown all over some of the tombstones, where you could not even read ...
Dear Editor:Soon the 2009-10 school year will begin. At the high school that first day back, on August 20, will mean different things. For the 9th graders it will be Freshman Transition Day and they will have the school all to themselves as the staff will assist in making them feel welcome and ...
Letter to the Editor:This next week, my husband and I are celebrating the birthday of Brandi, a mini dachshund, we acquired one year ago through Town & Country Vet Clinic that was a stray turned in to them.I just want to say, if you are reading this and you threw out a black - tan doxie ...
New Reader K. Kat asked "Hi! My family will be camping over the coming weekend in Tama and we were wondering where and when we can buy a newspaper so we can go to garage sales in Tama on Saturday morning. Thank you!"Mr. Herald Chronicle told K Kat: These locations sell The Toledo Chronicle and ...
Dear Editor:To the tax protesters who had their tea parties. Why didn't you protest when president Bush took president Clinton surplus and turned it into huge deficits? Why didn't you protest the $4. a gallon gas when Bush was president? How do republicans want to pay the debt president Bush ...
To the Editor,I was saddened to hear of coach Don Schrack's recent death. He was in my opinion a great teacher and coach. But above all, he was a loving, caring person.I have many fond memories of the time spent with him in shop class and sports. I learned carpenter skills in which I still ...
Letter to the Editor:To all of you fellow Americans that are concerned about Health Care for you, family, and its affects on your community, voice your opinions NOW. The Health Care system is a hot topic. It is a mess and does not meet our needs. It needs to be changed NOW to meet our needs. ...
Dear Editor,I think it is a good idea that the City of Tama is in the running for a casino. While I am a Meskwaki Tribal member, I have no fear of competition.On the contrary, an additional casino in the Tama area will prove to be a benefit for both communities. If one were to look at a map of ...