
Letters to the Editor

Republican move to Iraq?

Dear Editor,Republicans COMPLAIN about spending money in United States. What did the republicans do with president Clinton surplus? Bush was president paid around $4. a gallon for gas. I remember republicans bragging about spending billions in Iraq building schools and roads when Bush was ...

Calls for health insurance of overhaul

Letter to the Editor:Partners Are WeYou were a partner that I believed in and could count on. Your gender, culture, and political views were yours. You were loyal, dependable, fair, trustworthy, cost affordable, kind and caring. Now you Demand more money.You tell me who I can visit and for how ...

Says Republicans are hypocrites

Dear Editor:I remember when Bush was president, republicans said it was ok for the government to listen to our phone calls. Republicans said if you have nothing to hide why should you worry that government listen to your phone calls. Now that we have a democrat for president, republicans say ...

“Ask Mr. Herald Chronicle”

Reader Deb K. asked "Where is the military news on the website (tamatoledonews.com? The younger generation was raised on computers and the Internet, perhaps they would be more willing to share their military news if you added a section to your website for them."You could still use the news in ...

ASK Mr. Herald Chronicle

Reader Mullen wrote to Mr. Herald Chronicle: "How about those stakes that the USDA Office has placed next to Broadway so that people can't drive through where there once was an entrance? I'd like to know why they felt like they needed to close that off in the first place, and then why they ...

Special STC Class of 2009

Dear Editor:This is just a brief letter of gratitude to the community at large. 0n May 17th 103 South Tama seniors were awarded their diplomas. It was my privilege to shake their hands, to turn their tassels, and most importantly, to see the look of pride in their eyes. This was a special ...

Chamber of Commerce Projects

To the Community:May is Volunteer Month and the Tama-Toledo Chamber of Commerce would like to take this opportunity to thank the chamber members and others who volunteer in the community each year.During the past year the Tama-Toledo Chamber successfully coordinated RAGBRAI's overnight stay in ...

GOP responsible for abortions

Dear Editor:I keep hearing republicans blame democrats for abortions. A few questions for these republicans.Since when did Richard Nixon become a democrat? It was under Nixon when abortions became legal.Back then it was a republican supreme court that made abortions legal. Most of those judges ...

American rights and same-sex marriage

To the Editor:When we think about the Constitutional rights of the citizens of this country we must always remember that our right is to do what is right. It is not our right to do what is wrong in the sight of God or men. It is not our right to change what is right to what is wrong.In our ...

National Nursing Home Week

To The Editor,National Nursing Home Week began on Sunday - Mother's Day, May 10, and ends May 16. This is a special week where residents, caregivers, families, staff and volunteers honor and celebrate nursing facility life. It is a perfect time to visit your loved ones, friends, and neighbors ...