The flood, reunion, birthday and other stuff

In my years living in Chelsea, I’ve lived through many a flood. From the pictures I saw this year, this one looked bad. I am truly sorry for everyone throughout the entire Tama County area and beyond for this disaster. I remember one year, the flood waters flowed right through our home on Main Street. This latest one looks like it would have done so again. Tama County people are resilient though and will once again get through this.
And to all my Chelsea friends who are trying to put on a 150th Chelsea Birthday Bash, along with the unexpected clean-up after the flood…YOUR HARD WORK IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. Whether it’s good news or not, rest assured–THE SHEDA’S WILL BE THERE. Kudos to all those working so hard on the Sesqui-Centennial. Way to go!
Well, I did it again and I regret it again! The STC class of ’69 held their (gulp) 45th reunion last weekend. It looks like everyone had a great time. The many pictures on Facebook have been great and everyone looked just exactly like they did way back in 1969. Special thanks to Sam for his phone call. It really made my day. So why didn’t I go? Hmmm, that’s a really good question. Maybe a little out of my comfort zone, but I don’t think it was really that. I did have some other commitments, but am sure everyone else did too. So that’s no excuse. Anyway, I do regret now not going. And I will gladly accept any and all pictures, email addresses and notes from any of my classmates. The class of ’69–the best STC class ever!!!
On another note, at the same time as the Chelsea Sesqu-Centennial, the Shedas are also having their annual reunion. The families of Tony, Bill, Francis, Vangie, Marie, Irene, Ludy and MaDonna will gather at my brother Larry’s on Friday night and then we invade Chelsea on Saturday. Ah, we promise to behave, right Jim???
Finally, I notice from time to time an old time resident of Chelsea passes on. It saddens me because I have such fond memories of Chelsea. Several weeks ago, I noticed the obituary of Paul Malina. I remember Paul and his brother Stanley so well. They roofed our house one year and Dad would always call on them to fix one thing or another. They were never too busy and did a darn good job. Paul and Stanley are what made Chelsea such a great place to live. When my folks owned the grocery story, they always bought an ad in the Chelsea Redhawk High School Yearbook. In that ad, it always read, “We don’t aim to make a million dollars; just a million friends.” Paul & Stanley were two of those friends. As Red Skelton used to say, “Good night and God bless.”
Let me know what you think at or call me at 319-327-4640. Love to hear from you.