Your Advice For 2019
Several days ago, our “Take A Mulligan” staff asked through Facebook what your “one” piece of advice would be to people in 2019. Here are some of your answers:
Take time to count your blessings every day, (Kristine).
Stay true to yourself and to God. You will answer to both, (Lauri & Sharon).
Forgive, forgive, forgive, (Kathy, Deb and others).
Be kind always and every opportunity you get, (Mary Kay & Denise).
Weed, out, weed out, week out. In other words, simplify your life, (Christina).
Smile. (Mary Sue).
Be Alert & be ready, (Howard).
Be Yourself. Everyone else is already taken, (Ken).
Tough choice to make? Go with your heart. (Ellen).
Enjoy the little pleasures of life. They’re all around you. (Bill)
Take one day at a time, God does, (Ruth).
Laugh whenever you can and while you can, (Mary Jane).
Pray more, expect the best and worry less, (Tom, Roger, Emily & others).
Tough days are just a test; Your best is yet to come, (Rose).
Respect everyone; You have no idea what they’re going through, (Marsha).
Develop a closer relationship with God & more intimate prayer life, (Lisa).
Listen more; to God, others and your own soul, (Justine).
Learn to love more this year without reservation, (Linda).
Your windshield is larger than your rear-view mirror; Don’t look back, (Sherry)
Live-Laugh-Love, (Eloise).
Dream big; With God, nothing is impossible, (Candy).
And my one piece of advice??? ENJOY YOUR FAMILY! A year ago at Christmas time, we, as a family, decided to go on a winter vacation together instead of buying presents for everyone. So we traveled to Gulf Shores, Alabama for a week for Christmas. Thirteen of us, ranging in age from 6-67 and we had the time of our lives. Four different families represented and we really had an amazing time. Now, where are we going next Christmas……………Hmmmmmmm?? We may have to find some golf courses next year and “take a mulligan.” Give me some vacation advice or more 2019 advice at or call me at 319.327.4640. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!