
Does love change?

Rev. Mike Nodland

I love watermelon, popcorn and my wife! But wait! Does love change? I bit into a slice of watermelon last summer that had turned bad! And who loves burnt popcorn? But my love for my wife of 44 years has grown! At the wedding altar, I loved her to the max! But over the years, I’ve grown to love her more! How can you love someone more than maximum? Does love change?

She’s always there for me: in sickness and in health, for better or for worst, ’til death do us part. But she’s told me many times that she wants to hang out with me in Heaven, too!

She reminds me a lot of God: He’s promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us, always there in sickness and in health, for better and for worstand He wants to hang out with us in Heaven, too!

But the difference between God and my love for my wife is that His love doesn’t grow over the years. Once I’ve trusted Him as my Savior, His love never ceases, lessens or is replaced by something else. God loves you-to the max! Do you love Him?