Who’s the pilot?
Flying is not my thing. It’s ridiculous. You are placing your complete trust in someone you’ve never seen nor met, flying something you know nothing about, speeding through the air at speeds unfathomable, and landing safely in someplace when you’d wished you’d stayed home!
Flying to a conference with my buddy, who shares my sentiments about flying but couples it with intense anxiety, we landed in Minneapolis during a lightning storm. Grounded until all was clear, we boarded once again and began taxiing around the terminal… again, and again.
My buddy was getting more nervous. Without considering his condition, I verbally took notice that we had just taxied past our boarding terminal — again! I noticed my buddy stiffening in rigidity.
Then the pilot came on the loudspeaker to confidently announce that we were overweight and the runway we were assigned to was too short for takeoff! I noticed my buddy’s eyes roll up in their sockets and out he went!
Liftoff was successful and we headed for Phoenix, only to discover that out of the 300 days of sunshine, we came during another lightning and rainstorm, resulting in continuous circling and banking until clear!
To whom do you place your trust? This world will keep you grounded, but only Jesus will lift you up! Trust in Him!