Pastor’s Corner: Kick ‘em to the curb!
My dad never kicked me, and I appreciate that so much…even though I certainly deserved swift kicks! I knew a man who got mad at his son and booted him right out into the front yard! That’s wrong, but I can think of a time when a brutal, swift kick was warranted to one.
They had committed horrible atrocities: multiple murders, immorality, stolen, deceived, hated, abused, tortured, and instigated fights. They were so hateful that they got kicked out of their home. It’s recorded that they got kicked out as fast as lightning shooting across the sky.
Really? Lightning travels at 112,000 mph! What does that look like? The fastest airplane in the world, NASA’s hypersonic X-43 travels at a measly 7,000 mph…and lightning is 16 times faster than that! Mercury, the fastest moving planet in our solar system, travels at only 10,029 mph!
So, how fast is lightning? At that speed, you’d circle the earth 4 times in one hour, still have time to stop at a McDonald’s drive-thru, collect the cat from Meow Grooming Salon and drive home in rush hour traffic!
Who got kicked? Satan! God doesn’t mess around with sin. He keeps His house dirt-free! Kick Satan out! God did! Trust Jesus today!