
Magic Mike 6XL: No schedules, no meds

Michael D. Davis.

Schedules, I’ve never stuck to one. Never have, more than likely, never will. I don’t have any pet peeves against schedules; it’s just I’ve never been able to keep one.

And yes, this is in direct correlation to my near constant lateness; more than once, I’ve run out of the house late to a council meeting because I was taking a mid-afternoon nap. Now, don’t get me wrong, not having a schedule isn’t all bad. It frees things up. Today at four, I could be painting a demonic teddy bear, but tomorrow at four, I could be interviewing the Mayor; who knows?

There is only one area of my life that this screws up. You see, I’m a rather ill person. And for my illnesses, I take several different medications. I even have a pill caddy, scheduled pill taking Sunday through Saturday, morning and night. Now, I have nearly never missed a night of pills. Night pills and me are solid. The morning pills…not so much. For example, I took my morning pills only two days last week.

You would think I’d be all over my pills since they’re the things you know, keeping me alive and all, but eh. I mean, it’s not like I don’t have an invested interest in taking these pills, after all, one of the morning pills is for my heart. And I think a person can only live like three or four days without a heart, so yeah.

Here is the thing, I am a night owl. Since I have no schedule I have the luxury of staying up till four or five in the morning before going to bed then I’ll wake up around noon. Today, for example, as I write this, it is Wednesday 6:58 AM. I have been up all night, and I took my night pills at 5:05 AM because I was getting (somewhat) ready for bed. But should I have taken the morning pills because it was five in the morning? Or should I take them around two this afternoon when I wake up? Ya now see how the no schedule thing screws me on this, don’t ya?

Alright, this is where I’ll leave you. Until next time. And if some of this doesn’t make any sense to you just remember, I’m off my meds.