Just Jonathan: Binging

Jonathan Meyer.
By no means would I call myself a “TV guy”. Never big on watching anything, I’d rather be outside…usually. Usually a run or some time with my dog would suffice, yet this winter those things haven’t satisfied me.
Gloomy weather and growing “old” has me parked in front of my laptop for much more than writing the news. Late nights have turned into early mornings, minutes have turned into hours, and plenty of snacks have turned into wrappers and crumbs. While rather time consuming, my mind has been thoroughly exercised through the whole process.
Both a political drama and a commentary on capitalism have been my biggest viewing pleasures over the last week. No small issues or tough topics off the table, I have started realizing the amount of compelling stories I have simply ignored.
Now I believe storytelling is at the backbone of American culture. I now recognize the many new and revamped ways we experience these stories. In some kind of strange association we change like our media changes, our world moves so fast.
I made my own YouTube videos for awhile, that’s storytelling straight from my then teenage self. Mike is a great storyteller with his Magic Mike columns and his different books and art. The newspaper itself is storytelling with maybe just a few more facts.
The point I’m trying to make is quite simple; consume a variety of different storytelling. When my brain needed a bit of challenge I turned on shows with real world issues to digest. When I need a good laugh I watch stand up comedy. Media meets you where you are at. In a world of so much luxury, utilize what we have to “scratch the itch”.
I have a show to go finish, until then and until next week, I’m Just Jonathan.