A call to campaign: Just Jonathan

Jonathan Meyer.
As I lay restfully in my bed, deep in sleep, a gentle vibration awoke me from slumber. The beeps and buzzes, whistles and dings, all pulled out from my deep deep sleep. This wasn’t any old phone call, no no. This was a ring from a man they call O.P. Owen Pries spoke on the phone, I could hear his smile, from cheek to cheek. “How would you like to be my VP?” he asked. Honored and confused, I said “yes”.
Not sure if that last paragraph counts as poetry, but I gave it a try. I have been asked by my good friend Owen to be his running mate for student body elections. While it would be great to share how I believe we can change my college, that doesn’t affect the people of Tama-Toledo. What I want to share is how this community has prepared me.
I have highlighted many times before, I believe our biggest strength as a community is our diversity. We have so many people with different backgrounds, passions, lifestyles, culture, all of these differences make us stronger. It almost sounds like a college campus…
What I learned in high school was much more than academic. Having hard work and determination will get you far. It will go even further if you have a strong team around you. I think back to watching the Wieting Theater renovate the theater with a team, or the Visioning Committee securing grants. Even the RAGBRAI committee discovered the more people you let in, the better result you get. These towns have taught me to collaborate.
The final and most important thing I have learned from the towns is to have ambition, dream big, and ideas. So many times I have heard community members say no, while disheartening, it always felt like a challenge. Having belief and doing good for the only purpose of doing good is the cornerstone of progress. Helping out and doing more is something I believe to my core.
I owe so much to Tama-Toledo and will always be proud of where I’m from. I certainly can’t wait to share my campaign message, all of these lessons are thanks to you.
Until next week, I’m Just Jonathan.