
Nothing to write home about!

John Sheda

Well, here we are, the end of February! The winter blahs, right? The holidays are over, Lent, (means we gotta deprive ourselves, a little bit), spring is still a long ways off. The ONLY excitement we have is finding out whether March will come in like a lion or a lamb. Guess we’ll know by Saturday. After that, the next excitement is Daylight Savings Time! Yippee! We actually lose an hour of sleep!!! Holy Moly! Geeze, is there any good news at all? Yes, yes, yes. April Fool’s day is coming! And you know what happens on This day? “SHEDA’S ANNUAL PET PEEVES” column. We’ve been doing this for a zillion years now and would love to hear what YOUR PET PEEVES are. I have many, but would love to hear yours. So, please let me know and then the world will know what really aggravates you. However, that aside, if you’re looking or needing something else to stay busy, here’s “The World’s Toughest Quiz”, for you. NO ONE WIL GET THEM ALL RIGHT EXCEPT THOSE WHO CHEAT!! You wouldn’t cheat, would you? Here goes…

Of all the fruits, (you’re not one), in the world, there is only one that has its’ seeds on the outside. What is it? This is your easy one!!!

Name at least six things you can wear on your feet that begin with the letter “S.”

There is one sport where NO ONE, (neither the spectators or the participants), know the score or even who the leader is, until the very end. What’s the sport?

Where exactly are all the lakes that are referred to in the name “The Los Angeles Lakers,” basketball team?

This is for English teachers. There are 14 punctuation marks in the English grammar. How many can you name? You better get at least seven!

There is a famous North American landmark, that many of you have been to, that constantly is moving backwards. What is this landmark?

Baseball fans. There are seven ways a baseball player can legally reach first base without getting a hit. What are the seven?

Grocery and gardeners, people. There is only one vegetable or fruit that is NEVER sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked or any other form except fresh. What is it?

Sports pros. There is one sport, only one, in which the ball is always in the possession of the defensive team & the offensive team can actually win the game without ever touching the ball. What is this sport?

Final one or you gardeners. There are only two vegetables that can live to produce their own for several growing years. Other veggies must be replanted annually, Name these two perennial vegetables.

This quiz should help with the doldrums of our Iowa winter. Hopefully the answers will be found elsewhere in the paper. Send your answers to jsheda@indytel.com or call me with them at 319.327.4640. Oh, don’t forget those “pet peeves” of yours.


The strawberry

Socks, shoes, sandals, sneakers, slippers, skis, snowshoes, stockings. more?


The name comes from the Minnesota Lakers, their previous home, which is the state of 1000 lakes.

Here goes; period, comma, colon, semi-colon, dash, hyphen, apostrophe, question mark, exclamation point, quotation marks, brackets, parenthesis, braces and yes, even ellipses.

Niagara Falls. It actually recedes a couple of feet each year because the gushing water wears down the rim.

The seven ways are, base on balls, catcher’s interference, catcher drops the third strike, fielder’s choice, passed ball, hit by the pitch and a designated pinch runner. How’d you do Tim & Mark????


Baseball. Go Yankees!!

Asparagus and rhubarb