Every once in a while, Mom in cleaning out the refrigerator, would simply toss everything together and call it "Hash." "It's Hash Day" she would say. Well, in the journalistic world, I'm just tossing everything together and calling it "My Hash Column." Here goes:I enjoy poking fun at others ...
Market report for Aug. 22.The Toledo Farmers Market started with the blow of the whistle. A total of 17 vendors had their tables full of homemade or home grown things. If you're looking for it and it is in season, be sure to come to the Toledo Farmers Market on Friday nights from 5-7 p.m. on ...
My report on Ora Mae Bro's Christmas Music program has been completed as of today.Ora Mae tells me the program has been changed to Sunday, December 21, 2014. The performances will take place at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.The name of the program is "The First Noel".Now all she needs are for the singers to ...
Well, guess what? Summer heat is officially here because school is now open. Never fails! Oh well, nothing we can do about it here in the great state of Iowa. Avid or voracious readers of this column will quickly notice that this is my third column about going back to school. Ok, so you don't ...
Market Report for August 15, 2014It was a slower market this rainy Friday evening of the Toledo Farmers Market. I am hoping everyone was enjoying the Iowa State Fair or the last camping trip before school starts. Slow or busy, the Toledo Farmers Market must go on. Kristi was there with her ...
Our next event that is going to happen at the Wieting is a return concert by John Rex Reeves. This will take place Sunday, Oct. 12 at 2 p.m. If you were at his concert a year ago you know how talented he is. If you missed him try to come this time. You won't be sorry.We should be about ready to ...
I was at the grocery store a few days ago, Ora Mae Bro stopped me to talk about her annual Christmas musical program.By tradition she has it on the third Sunday in December. This year her granddaughter will be getting married on that weekend.Ora Mae needs to change the date, but she can't ...
I'm sure most remember that show hosted by none other than Art Linkletter. Wonder why we never see re-runs of this. It was hilarious. Well, since school is just around the corner, I thought it would be interesting to read about some funny things kids have said and done--all in a school day's ...
Market Report for August 1stWhat a beautiful night for the Toledo Farmers Market. There were plenty of customers along with plenty of vendors eager to sell.Kristi had a table full of bakery. Devin and Mason had onions, cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli, cucumbers, jalapenos, perennial plants, and ...
I have another report about the Camp Creamery performances.The writer of the script about the Aliens in Roswell, New Mexico was in the audience for the Saturday performances. Her name is Jackie McCall. She had a meeting with the Guild following the show. We discussed issues that need to be ...