What are you doing Dec. 16 at 1:30 P.M.? How about coming to the Wieting Theatre in Toledo for a concert with some surprise visitors, Storm Seymour and cousin Stephanie Snow. Admission is $6 at the door. Also available is the Czech Bakery with baked goods for sale. This is sponsored by the ...
By Bob UntiedtOrpheum Center DirectorEarlier this year, a senior manager at a large company, new to town, mentioned that he and his family came to a movie the Orpheum had offered for free to his child's elementary school. He said that he was not looking forward to this very much, but his kid ...
Fairfield, Iowa Unknown to most Iowans, a battle has been underway before the Iowa Utilities Board over Alliant Energy's plan to require Alliant customers to either pay Alliant certain fees or convert their meters from long-serving analog meters to so-called "smart" meters. The last day the ...
It was early Christmas Eve in 1818 when the priests of St. Nicholas Church in Obernadorf, Austria, learned that the broken pipe organ would not be repaired in time to the Christmas Eve Midnight Mass. Joseph Mohr, St. Nicholas' associate priest was the first to hear the bad news and deeply ...
Q: Why do you support the First Step Act?A: This bipartisan legislation would make historic reforms to the nation's criminal justice system to restore fairness, strengthen public safety and reduce crime. The vast majority of prison inmates will one day be released back into our communities ...
You sent me to Congress with a specific mission: cut wasteful spending and make Washington squeal.I take seriously the responsibility you have entrusted in me to make Washington more competent and less wasteful.Every month, I will be researching and identifying areas of waste, abuse and ...
Have you been checking the progress of the new addition? It looks like the cement flooring is all poured and drying.How long do you think it will be before we are ready for our open house? It's just around the corner."See ya at the Wieting_ _ _"
Letter to the Editor:I read where Director Foxhaven of DHS, made a speech of full implementation of mental health services for children. The Des Moines Register triumphantly quoted this "protection" would bring unanimous support through the legislature.I was reminded of the Rolling Stone, ...
We've all heard the alarming statistics: One in five children have or will have signs or symptoms of a mental health disorder. Only 20% of children who have mental health disorders receive the treatment they need, and most concerning, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for children and ...
Every Thanksgiving, people throughout the country give their thanks for all the good things in their lives. The usual, family, spending money, full refrigerator and a host of other essential things that everyone is thankful for. But putting all that aside, what are some quirky things you are ...