

Magic Mike 6XL: Let Milo open the door

Local Columns

For two years in middle school, I thought I went to school with a boy named Beyonce. I believe it's safe to say I misheard his name. I don't remember when I learned or thought I learned my pupil's name was Beyonce, but I specifically remember when I found out that wasn't his name. Before I ...

Letter to the Editor: Announcing my candidacy

Letters to the Editor

When Joni Earnst had the press conference, where she was in tears that her divorce proceedings became public, was this to offset the scrutiny of said transcripts or did the pressure of the divorce and plight of the weaker sex in her ongoing valiant glass window battle finally have atoll on her, ...

You’ll Figure It Out!: Valentine’s Day guide for the guys

Local Columns

This coming Friday is Valentine's Day of course. You all know this, right? Today's article is mainly for the guys. When it comes to love and romance, face it men, we all could use a little help. For some, a lot of help. But there is good news. You have "me." I will guide you through ...

Just Jonathan: We lost

Local Columns

Do you remember my “Call to Campaign” story two weeks ago? Here’s how that turned out. Owen and I set out as two people with less experience than the other candidates, yet we were hungry as ever to make a positive impact at Warburg College. Our whole campaign was centered around ...

Magic Mike 6XL: Six deaths and a wedding

Local Columns

Six deaths and a wedding sum up how 2025 is going for me so far, and I didn't even go to the wedding. I don't believe in bad years or months, but man, oh man, has this been a doozy. I believe in moments, not bad days because it is my belief that an entire day can't be bad. Of course, it can ...

Letter to the Editor: Karen Murty

Letters to the Editor

Thank you New Crew. We are undergoing many changes in Tama County at a crucial time. Solar and wind are trying to take our land. Pipelines are a rumor in North Tama County. Finances are a disaster as we have discovered a huge shortage of money to operate on for 2025, immediately! Be involved ...

Just Jonathan: The pool hill

Local Columns

One of the most dreaded places for middle school Jonathan was the pool hill. No matter by foot or bike, getting up that hill seemed to be the vain of my preteen existence. My first taste of freedom was amazing. Mom finally said it’s fine to go ride bikes around town with your friends. Things ...

Time to make some noise about cancer in Iowa


People are talking about Iowa’s alarming cancer rates, but they need to turn up the volume. “We have to start getting loud with our elected officials about doing something about it,” Iowa Cancer Registry Director Mary Charlton recently told Iowa Capital Dispatch. Iowa had the ...

Heather’s Highlights: County Government and You

Local Columns

I have one month on the books as a new Tama County Supervisor and wanted to share some highlights with everyone! I was sworn in on Dec. 30, 2024, along with the four other Supervisors, the Sheriff, and the Auditor. There is always work involved with newly elected officials, but the upside is ...

Dengler Domain: Egg Prices

Local Columns

It is genuinely concerning when egg prices are this high. These prices are hitting levels never touched before, and this is for a critical food item a lot of people rely on. From restaurants to home cooking, eggs are used in many dishes. Their higher price means a higher cost for many people. ...